Thursday, 26 December 2013


wearing: missguided feather dress   |   primark polo neck   |   ebay necklace   |   topshop floppy hat    
zara leather over-knee boots

ITS CHRISTMAAAAAS. Well, it was. And the most wonderful time of the year! Christmas is my absolute favourite - family, friends, presents and copious amounts of cheese...What more could you ask for? (probably not to feel as glutenous and sick, but carpe diem and that). I was very spoilt, which always happens but my family are the type of folk who don't listen and just keep giving, but I can't complain as I got lots of lovely gifts and even though I feel like I don't need to eat until next Christmas, I had a great day! 

I'd been searching for a floppy hat for a VERY long time and Santa brought me this Topshop beauty (which may I add, I didn't take off all day, pah!). What are the chances? He was definitely listening this year! And even though I HATE post-Christmas sales and find it crazy that people are willing to que before the sun has risen for a bargain, I'll shamelessly admit that I spent the majority of Christmas eve scouring the Topshop online sale and managed to splurge without realising. But in my books, if it's reduced then technically I never spent anything. Wishful thinking...Expect a haul post soon!

Missguided were also a life-saver with this BEAUTIFUL feather swing dress for an amazing go-to. Because obviously, I couldn't find anything to wear Christmas day... 

Cheeky family photos, rubbish cracker prizes and ridiculous amounts of alcohol and food later, it's all done! All that fuss for one day! Until next year...

iFeliz Navidad! 


Thursday, 12 December 2013


Yes, yes, this post is probably a billion years later than what it should have been, but better later than never, right? You can thank my ridiculous iPhone for playing me around and my charger breaking over the last few weeks for that!

Anyway, Selfie School. Sounds like a place where aspiring Kim K's go to learn how to take the best shot of themselves and make themselves look great in photos, yes? Correct, that it was. But a lot better and with a few cakes thrown in to really get that Kimmy K look (hello, booty). As part of the Access All Asos Team 2013, the lovely folks at down Asos kindly chose me to be one of their students at Selfie School down at their Head Office in London, learning all of the tricks of the trade as to how to take the best images with your trusty old mobile (Mobile? Do people still use that word? Phone...).

As mentioned in my previous post, Photographer Extraordinaire Olly Lang was the teacher and had us taking photos of ourselves left, right and centre to explore how to get the best 'selfie' and how to use our phones in the most effective way. And this all occured in the week that 'selfie' was crowned 'Word of the Year'! Hurrah for the selfie and us narcissistic modern folk! (I'm not complaining...)

The infamous Asos catwalk...eek!

Cakes, mini Fish & Chips and copious amounts of selfie's later, the day was nicely rounded off with a tour of Asos HQ (ahhh!) and more cake. What could be better?


Saturday, 7 December 2013


wearing:   asos faux fur and sheepskin coat   |   primark polo neck jumper   |   primark checked trousers   |   asos loafers      
 river island necklace

Sorry, sorry, sorry. Bad blogger - no post in 2 weeks is not on, admittedly however life has been stupidly cray. Lots of exciting happenings (and sad...) over the past few weeks. As an Access All Asos Insider (tongue twister) the lovely folks at Asos invited me to attend the very exciting 'Selfie School' with super photographer extraordinaire Olly Lang, where I got to tour the wonderful Asos HQ and mingle with some lovely bloggers. Photos to come as soon as I can manage to fix my phone cable...sigh. Oh and I left my job, which is quite sad, but pastures new and all of that, eh? This beauty of a statement necklace was my lovely leaving gift. The girls have a very good eye for accessories I'd say!

Since I last posted winter has well and truly hit us and although I'm barely out enjoying the Christmas festivities which seem to be springing up everywhere (whoever said doing a degree was easy lied, I'm practically house-bound), it means I have full permission to whack out all the coats I own. Which seems to be a lot more than originally thought as I seem to have no storage space whatsoever in the flat. But still, OOOOOH coats. And this cheeky two-tone Asos number from a few years back in particular is still going strong. Faux fur and two-tone, whats not to love?

 Ps, lol at my pouty/miserable face. I promise I'm not this miserable in real life!
